Upgrading system components
SUU compares
the version of the components installed on the system with the versions
available in the repository. If the system component versions are
earlier than the repository version, SUU enables the Upgrade button on the upper-right corner of the Comparison Report.
To upgrade the repository components:
Select the components that you want to upgrade.
Click Upgrade to apply the components that you have selected.
In the Confirm Update dialog box, click Yes to confirm and continue or No to cancel.
While upgrading the components, SUU displays an update report. After completion, SUU displays an Update Complete dialog box.Click OK.
The status
of the upgrade can be viewed in the Comparison Report.
NOTE: When you perform an
upgrade, SUU copies all the update packages into a temporary directory
on the system: <%systemdrive%>:\dell\suu, on systems running
Microsoft Windows operating system and /var/log/dell/suu, on systems
running Linux operating systems. SUU deletes this temporary directory
after the upgrade process is complete. If a restart is required to
complete the upgrade process, the directory is saved until the restart
process is complete.