Supported operating systems
Microsoft Windows operating systems:
- Microsoft Windows Server 2016
- Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
- Microsoft Windows Server 2012, Essentials, Enterprise, Datacenter, and Foundation x64-bit editions
- Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Foundation, Standard, Enterprise, and Datacenter editions with SP1
- Microsoft Windows Server 2008 SP2 Foundation, Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter and web x86 and x64-bit editions with SP2
Linux operating systems:
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4 (64-bit)
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4 (64-bit)
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.9 (64-bit)
Virtualization operating systems:
- Citrix XenServer 7.1
For detailed information on various systems and operating systems on which SUU is supported, see the Dell Systems Software Support Matrix at