Creating a custom SUU using Repository Manager
Launch DRM.
Create or open a repository.
Select the bundles you want to export. From the list of displayed bundles, click Export.
In the Export Bundles dialog box, click Next.
In the Export Destination dialog box, select Export as SUU to ISO and click Next.
Checking to see if the required plugin is installed… is displayed.NOTE: If you select Export as SUU to directory, the output package creates the SUU contents in the form of a directory.NOTE: If the system does not have the required plugin, Click here to install the Plugin link is displayed.To install the required plug-ins , Click the Click here to install the Plugin link.
Tha installation process may take several minutes.After the plug-in is downloaded, the Report dialog box is displayed. Close the dialog box.
After the latest plug-in is installed, the version of the installed Plugin is displayed. Click Next.
From the Browse For Folder dialog box, navigate to the folder on the local drive, where you want to save the ISO file, and then click OK.
Click Finish.
Click Accept to accept the security warning.
NOTE: When you attempt to download from another website or web page, and if security warning is displayed accept the files. The Name, Publisher, Certificate Type, and Expiration Date of the file appears in the window to ensure the authenticity.After the SUU ISO is created, the Report dialog box is displayed. Close the report dialog box.
Burn the bootable ISO CD using the appropriate software.